活动主题:English Chatting 4th Apr     我要报名
发布时间:2007年04月04日(星期三) 10:43:29
活动时间:8:30 PM - 10:00PM, 4th Apr, Wednsday
English chatting, to be familiar with simple words of spoken English.
Renmin University English corner is too far away. Come to my home, here is sofa,tea and more chances to open your mouth!

The only rule:
No Chinese as soon as you come into my room! You have to try your best to find the alternative English explanation of what you want to express.

Sign your name here before you come,my sofa only can contain 5 persons including me!

Today we'll begin with the topic of "Appearance" and then extend to anything you interested.
Followed are some words maybe you can utilize them:
figure 体形 stocky 矮壮的 overweight 过胖的
slim 苗条的 plump 丰满的 well-built 健美的
stature 身高,身材 hunky 高大的
average height 中等身材 height 身高
weight 体重 broad-shouldered 肩宽的
beard 络腮胡子 neat and tidy 整洁的 moustache 小胡子 medium build 中等体形
curly hair 卷发 straight hair 直发 bald 秃头 attractive 漂亮迷人的 ugly 丑的
handsome 英俊的 well-dressed 衣着讲究的 scruffy 邋遢的 be brown-eyed 长一双棕色眼睛 gain/lose weight 增加/减轻体重

1 四重奏0  2007-04-04 10:44:50
2 四重奏0  2007-04-04 10:45:45
3 四重奏0  2007-04-04 10:46:27
4 jefferson1 2007-04-04 11:23:33
5 kate9251 new comer!  2007-04-04 12:57:15
6 davin1 add me!  2007-04-04 13:58:57
共计 3 人