活动主题:二玩杀人游戏,练英语口语: 博为思英语和美普俱乐部联手推出英语杀人游戏沙龙!     我要报名
发布时间:2007年09月13日(星期四) 19:38:59
活动时间:9/15 晚7点-9点
活动费用:原价18元, 优惠价10元(含无限畅饮和干果小吃, 两小时的杀人游戏)
联系电话:5882-3049(博为思), 8171-3429(美普)
Hello, everyone. Last Saturday evening, Pathway English School and Meipu Club jointed hands in hosting the popular game of Mafia for the first time.

Lots of friends took part in the game and we had a great evening. Everyone showed his English speaking ability in trying to find the killer, the police, and the civilian.

This coming Saturday evening, let's continue the fun from 7pm to 9pm!

这周六, 让我们继续玩英语杀人游戏! 该游戏的起源, 众说纷纭。 杀人游戏英语中称为"mafia",意即黑手党,最初游戏中的角色是黑手党和村民,后来慢慢演化为了杀手和平民。

So come to Meipu Club near HLG City Train station on Saturday evening to exercise again both your English tongue and your reasoning brain!

请来参加周六晚英语杀人游戏沙龙的朋友在下面报名, 凭该网上报名获得美普俱乐部的优惠价10元, 只要告诉前台你的网名即可! (原价18元, 可畅饮各种饮料,吃各种干果小吃, 和一小时杀人游戏)

10元优惠价含无限饮料和干果小吃, 另外含两小时的杀人游戏! 玩过和没玩过杀人游戏的朋友都来体验一下吧, 与我们再次共度一个兴奋刺激,学习娱乐的夜晚!

We welcome EVERYONE to this game!

1 燕妮2 太喜欢参加这个游戏了,希望活动可以每周都如期举行。  2007-09-13 20:08:07
2 ding1231 2007-09-13 21:00:08
3 唐三仗1 Enjoy Mafia game and practice oral English  2007-09-13 21:50:06
4 JackPaull1 I have never play this game,so I wanna have a try.  2007-09-13 22:14:27
5 灯芯1 Great! I am looking forward to attending.  2007-09-13 22:39:37
6 三次才注册上1 这周去看看.  2007-09-14 08:42:20
7 蒙古轻骑兵1 2007-09-14 08:44:33
8 楚石2 first time to play Mafia.  2007-09-14 10:11:58
9 星空彩绘2 来看看  2007-09-14 11:54:32
10 简简1 不会英语也可以去玩吧?希望我下班可以赶上  2007-09-14 16:24:37
11 yilin6661 赶得上就去  2007-09-14 17:57:49
12 郎中2 希望能从城里赶回来  2007-09-15 07:25:44
13 lzg_ad1 还可以练英语?我喜欢  2007-09-15 13:24:53
14 航1 来看看,还能练练英语,不错  2007-09-15 17:25:50
共计 18 人