活动主题:博为思英语角: 听说并进, 创造独特的冰天学地(2)     我要报名
发布时间:2006年11月09日(星期四) 23:47:45
活动费用:Free 免费
联系电话:5882-3049, 131212-50545

1. 社交场合: 潇洒自如, 打破僵局 (How to break the ice on social occasions?)
2. 自我介绍: 多种多样, 尽显个人英文魅力 (How to introduce yourself with a variety of expressions and in a charming way?)


11月11日周六晚7点,我们将继续我们冰天学地的英语征程, 话题如下:

3. 彬彬有礼: 安排和取消约会 (Politely arranging and canceling appointments)
4. 拨打电话: 游刃有余 (Making a phone call like a native speaker)

如果时间允许, 我们还将谈及:

5. 热情好客,家庭晚会邀请 (Extending warm family party invitations to friends & relatives)

Persistence is the key to success. 让我们每一次都紧跟队伍,坚持我们的英语征程!

活动最后,我们还将教大家唱一首非常轻松, 幽默, 甜蜜的歌曲: 橱窗里的小狗。这首歌叙述女孩子即将远行,为了怕她心爱的人寂寞,想要买条小狗来陪伴他,并保护他。


歌名:How Much Is That Doggie in the Window

How much is that doggie in the window?
The one with the waggly tail.
How much is that doggie in the window?
I do hope that doggie's for sale.
I must take a trip to California,
and leave my poor sweetheart alone.
If he has a dog, he won't be lonesome,
and the doggie will have a good home.

How much is that doggie in the window?
The one with the waggly tail.
How much is that doggie in the window?
I do hope that doggie's for sale.
I read in the papers there are robbers
with flashlights that shine in the dark.
My love needs a doggie to protect him
and scare them away with one bark.

I don't want a bunny or a kitty.
I don't want a parrot that talks.
I don't want a bowl of little fishes.
He can't take a goldfish for a walk.
How much is that doggie in the window?
The one with the waggly tail.
How much is that doggie in the window?
I do hope that doggie's for sale.

1 博为思英语1 活动地点: 骊龙园7-5-202 (物美超市南侧,回龙公园东门对过即是)  2006-11-10 00:03:54
2 say_forever0 上次去了,按门铃没人开门~~~~~~只好又走了~~~~~~~~~~~`  2006-11-10 09:13:22
3 轻罗小扇2 上次参加了,老师很好,这次准备和老公一起去.  2006-11-10 10:39:47
4 迷途的狼2 我希望可以参加  2006-11-10 10:55:37
5 oldcamel2 2006-11-10 11:03:22
6 wanwandemama1 去,并希望能了解一下有没有培训信息  2006-11-10 11:19:27
7 say_forever1 如果没事,这次还去~~~  2006-11-10 12:24:07
8 展翅飞翔1 我要参加  2006-11-10 12:24:56
9 彭城2 积极参加,努力学习。  2006-11-10 12:32:22
10 网管2 积极参加  2006-11-10 12:57:21
11 不识水性的鱼1 报名,希望这次不会错过了  2006-11-10 12:59:35
12 fy22032 跟老公一起去,希望不会错过,谢谢  2006-11-10 14:15:58
13 outofwork1 一定去  2006-11-10 15:52:31
14 转运竹1 报名两人!  2006-11-10 16:55:53
15 船歌1 2006-11-10 16:56:25
16 shanman1 支持!  2006-11-10 16:57:40
17 程扬1 争取去  2006-11-11 10:10:08
18 胆小鬼1 还去  2006-11-11 10:22:13
19 dafei95271 希望加强我的英语听说能力  2006-11-11 15:54:56
20 青之羽1 2006-11-13 18:01:26
共计 25 人